SK President: New Deal on Missiles Near(译:李明博:扩大韩国导弹射程新协议接近达成)---中英对照

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak indicated on Wednesday that talks between South Korea and the U.S. on extending the range of South Korea's missiles beyond the current 300 kilometer (186 miles) limit may be close to an agreement.

South Korea and the U.S. have reportedly been in discussions since last year to revise a 2001 bilateral agreement so that South Korea can develop missiles that could land anywhere in North Korea. The 2001 agreement restricts South Korea's missile capability for high-velocity missiles to a range of 300 kilometers and payload of 200 pounds. South Korea is allowed to develop slower, surface-skimming missiles that can go up to 800 miles.

Mr. Lee said that the U.S. and South Korea agree on the need for a 'new security environment.'

'The 300 kilometer range was set many years ago, predicated on the assumption that any fighting would be around the demilitarized zone (that separates North and South Korea),' Mr. Lee said in a group interview. His remarks were embargoed until Thursday.

'Now North Korea has missiles and long range artillery that can reach all the way down to Jeju Island. South Korea is in need of expanding its defense posture in case of any contingencies,' he said.

'The U.S. and South Korea have been discussing this issue and we believe a solution will be in place soon.'

Following North Korea's announcement of a rocket launch that appears set to jeopardize an agreement with the U.S. on the suspension of nuclear development and missile launches, Mr. Lee said more time would be needed to assess North Korea's intentions and the new regime's capacity for consistent decision making.

'One explanation of the rocket launch is that perhaps there was a plan already in place when they started talks with the U.S. However, a test firing would be a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions,' he said.

'Observing how Kim Jong Eun handles the situation and worldwide condemnation will be another litmus test of the new regime,' he said.

On North Korea's planned rocket launch, Mr. Lee said Japan would be justified in trying to shoot down the rocket if it enters Japanese airspace. Earlier this week, Japan's Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka said he may order the country's military to shoot down the rocket if it poses a danger to Japan.

'Japan has the sovereign right to do whatever they seem fit if their airspace is violated,' Mr. Lee said.
European Pressphoto Agency韩国天马导弹部队可以在10秒钟内发现并追踪20千米外的战斗机,还可以拦截离地5千米飞行的飞机。
韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)周三表示,韩国与美国就扩大韩国导弹射程范围的谈判可能接近达成协议。韩国导弹的射程目前被限制在300公里以内。




李明博说,朝鲜现在有了可以一直打到济州岛(Jeju Island)的导弹和远程大炮,韩国需要扩大防御阵势,以防出现意外。



李明博说,对朝鲜发射火箭的一个解释是,也许他们在和美国开始谈判的时候就已经有了这样一个计划,不过试射行动显然是违反联合国安理会(United Nations Security Council)有关决议的。

李明博说,观察金正恩(Kim Jong Eun)对当前形势以及国际社会广泛谴责的应对,可以让人对朝鲜新政权有更多了解。

关于朝鲜拟进行的火箭发射,李明博说,如果火箭在飞行途中进入日本领空,那日本就有理由将其击落。日本防卫大臣田中直纪(Naoki Tanaka)本周早些时候曾说,如果朝鲜的火箭对日本构成危险,他可能会命令日本军方将其击落。


2012년 3월 23일 오후 12:55