What is your favorite movie of all time???

I love movies. I have a large collection of movies. I love action movies, comedies, science fiction movies, dramas, and more.


What's your favorite movie?

2012년 3월 24일 오후 10:48
댓글 · 52

I like a lot if different genres, but if I really had to pick only a few, I'd say "The illusionist" and "A secret that mustn't be told". Both are really beautiful.

2013년 1월 26일

my favorite movies are I am Legend and Inceptıon :) I like science fiction, action movies :)

2013년 1월 26일

my favourite movies are: Casablanca, Life of Pi, Roman Holiday.

2013년 1월 8일

I love Artificial Intelligence and The Kite Runner<img title="Cool" src="http://www.italki.com/Scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-cool.gif" alt="Cool" border="0" />

2012년 8월 4일

My favorite film is the Avengers


2012년 5월 23일
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