Are you for or against easier divorce?

I heard it is very difficult to get a divorce in some countries. Nobody wants to have a broken family, but as a governmental system, do you support a simple or strict procedure?


Here are some of the pros and cons about easier divorce.


**Marriage was invented when life expectancy was much shorter. It is no practical to continue marriage if there is no love left.

**It is bad for children to grow up with parents who are in conflict. They provide a bad role model. A quick divorce is the best solution.

**If divorces are hard to obtain, adultery will increase.



**It is bad for children to live through the breakup of their home.

**Easy divorces devalue the meaning of vows at the wedding ceremony.

**Too many couples will enter into marriage lightly and unthinkingly.


What do you think?


2012년 3월 27일 오후 2:22
댓글 · 5

As a governmental system, at least in my country (Japan), people with all kinds of beliefs should be taken into consideration, including atheists, due to what's written in the Constitution. I would also like to point out that sadly, not every parent is a saint. I believe most of them are good parents, but I would have a hard time understanding how people would work out the absence of divorce system in a government...

2012년 4월 5일

Thank you for your comment, Tom. I understand that the childeren is the most affected and the most vulnarable in the case of divorce.

I have some questions for you, if I may, in order to clarify your position regarding this would be grateful if you could answer.


1) You mean you think divorce should not be allowed at all by the government?? Beause that was my original question.

2)If yes, does that mean the teachings of the scriptures should be in accordance with the law?

3)If domestic violence, child molestation, mind controling by some dangerous cult or so forth is happening within the family and that could endanger the other family members's life, do you think divorce is still not an option provided by the government?



2012년 4월 5일

I don't believe in divorce at all. It was already said in so many words, that the ones that it effects the most (in a negative way), is the children. The scriptures teach us that God never intended divorce, with the exceptions of fornication. But, marriage was God's original intent. As the vows goes: "Till death do us part."

2012년 4월 5일

Yeah, I agree on your point, Tisha. I think it is how the couple take resposibility of their situation and reach a conclusion on what's best for all of the people involved especially the children.

2012년 4월 1일

If two people can't live together any more, if they don't love each other any more, if their children suffer from negative atmosphere in family, it would be just violence on the part of a government to force two people stay together preventing them from devorcing..

2012년 3월 27일