Just hoping to meet interesting people whatever language you speak.

In the title I stressed that I don't care what language you speak, but then I realized I only understand a fare share of English and Japanese. I'm hoping to meet someone interesting through talking about various things. I'm not much of a girl's talk person but I can do that as well. Looking forward to hearing from you! Find me <img title="Laughing" src="http://www.italki.com/Scripts/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" alt="Laughing" border="0" />

2012년 6월 14일 오후 3:26
댓글 · 5

my skype:aldhito1 

i want to talk with you!

2012년 11월 12일

Konnichiwa! Mein Skype ist shem.qu


Looking forward to talk with ya!

2012년 6월 28일

interesting to hear, it's really glad to meet you. 

2012년 6월 20일

my skype= jignesh.dobariya1

2012년 6월 20일

My skype is mohsen_hoseini

I like speak with in English..hope see u soon ;)

2012년 6월 14일