If there is no love in the world

      Hi! Everybody , my English is poor, but written in English, most of people can understand.

      I think love is the most troubling,When I grow up, love become very realistic.i don't konw why. Man always mature later than women, So, they hurt a lot of women.

      I also fell in love with a shouldn't love of boy, Although know to forget him, But I can't do, If people are fall in love,  will forget their own direction. Really want to meet a person who we love each other.

      But very difficult!!


2013년 3월 23일 오전 2:55
댓글 · 16

If there is no love in the world, you will be never born :-P

Well, I think love is very very important in our life, and of couse, it is so great.


Let's try to look at the sunny side of everything :D

2013년 10월 22일

Hello 小虾米


  It is tragic the way all of us are vulnerable to heartbreak,

but that is not going to change.


 In the final analysis, it is our ability to experience pain,  which cultivates within us a great wisdom and shows our "humanity".   Without that sensitivity,  we would not operate as fully "human".


   Also, you can see if you study people, that much of mankind, in their youth,  try to function as though they did not function with feelings.   A kind of UNFEELINGNESS permeates youth culture, and it is particularly evident in  popular music.



2013년 10월 22일

It is hard to find your Mr. right when you are young as you do not really know what you want . It is very natural for most young generation . Too young to appreciate your real life is very common , I guess . In the following years , you could ran across quite different people around you and perhaps you will meet your boyfriends someday .  No worries about your current situation , time will heal your wound and you have to brace up for the next challenge . Good luck to you .

2013년 10월 22일

Hi, Love is Life,   “Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

2013년 10월 22일


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2013년 10월 22일
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