What different there between Someone and somebody?

What different there between Someone and somebody?

2013년 7월 9일 오후 11:41
댓글 · 5

Question:  'What is the difference between "someone" and "somebody" ?'


Answer: There is no difference. They mean exactly the same thing.

2015년 3월 26일
2015년 3월 26일

Somebody and someone are used interchangably.  I tend to use somebody when I want to visualize some person physically .... :P ... , and I tend to use someone when I'd rather not want to visualize some person physically. ... :( ...

2013년 7월 10일

"Someone" and "somebody" can be used interchangably. "Someone” may be used in more formal situations, however this is not something the majority of people do in everyday speech.

2013년 7월 10일

There really isn't much of a difference between the two. I tend to use both interchangably.

2013년 7월 10일