을 거예요 + 아/어서



What will 갈 거예요 + 아/어 서 becomes after joining together? 



2014년 3월 24일 오후 12:54
댓글 · 4

You can say 갈 거라서.

2014년 4월 23일

We usually say '내 친구가 집에 갈 거니까 나도 갈 거예요.'It is unsuitable here using'아/어 서'.

2014년 4월 18일

Hi Z,


I would want to say Because my friends are going home, I want to go home too.


Hence there is a 갈 거예요 for going home and 아/어 서 for because. But i am not sure i to join them together. 



2014년 3월 24일

Your question needs clarification to ensure proper understanding. Presently you are leaving he reader to guess about the type of "joining" and that can have a very wide spectrum of possibilities.

Scientific: joining two types of molecules.

Social: Joining in marriage

And countless possibilities between the two I mentioned and more. So please try it again and use some additional words to express your thought.

Hope this helps.




2014년 3월 24일