Learning Article : 'If I Won The Lottery...': The 4 Conditionals In Spanish

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<a href='/article/33/if-i-won-the-lottery-the-4-conditionals-in-spanish' target='_blank'>'If I Won The Lottery...': The 4 Conditionals In Spanish</a>

Conditional sentences in Spanish have very clear structures. Memorizing these structures early can be one of the most important tools for using them perfectly. Imagine that you find a wallet in a taxi, or you win the lottery… What would you do in these situations, and how would you say so?

2014년 4월 2일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 8

Este artículo es más comprensible que todos los textos bilingües de la gramática que he leído. Bien hecho.

2015년 6월 12일

estudiarás is the future tense.

estudiaras is the imperfect subjunctive. 


The imperfect subjunctive is usually one of the last tenses learned in spanish.

Other examples would include tuviera, hubieran, habláramos, viniera...  

2014년 4월 18일

Gracias Ana- es muy claro y útil.  -Sven

2014년 4월 3일

This is really clear and helpful. Thank you, Ana.

2014년 10월 18일


Thank you. 

2014년 6월 26일
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