Yamin Zhang (Peter)
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Learning Article : 6 Common Mistakes In Spoken Chinese And How To Fix Them

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<a href='/article/68/6-common-mistakes-in-spoken-chinese-and-how-to-fix-them' target='_blank'>6 Common Mistakes In Spoken Chinese And How To Fix Them</a>

All students are different and yet, there are some mistakes that are very common among Chinese learners. After teaching about 400 hours of Chinese lessons, here are six common mistakes I can share with you:

2014년 4월 15일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 13

There are some verbs where you have to negate with 不 in the past tense and not 没. For example, the verb "to know" (both 知道 and 认识).

2014년 6월 23일
great article for a beginner, please translate Hanzi into pinyin.
2016년 2월 19일
I agree with Bernie- as I’m a beginner learning with pinyin. While I can copy and paste your sentences into G-Translate - the article would be terrific if it already had pinyin.
2019년 8월 28일

我的天! 连汉字也不想要了!

2016년 2월 19일
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