T_T Dear John-- why do you make me so sad? 伤感的孩纸


This is the second time I've read Nicholas Sparks' novels. <em>Dear John.</em> A good novel. A good story. People always say, a good book should be read twice or even more. But I'd probably not read this one for a second time. T_T So sad and down I am at this moment.

In fact, I finished the reading almost one month after I started it. The beginning was not that interesting to me, mostly about John's ordinary life with his father and I didn't have the motivation to continue at that time. But for some reasons, I restarted the reading after meal and found I was unable to stop--I liked the story, though I was supposed to finish a lot of homework...

Stupid it may seem, but tears just began falling down when I came to the second part of the story, when his father was dying. Crying like a fool...in the dorm, I didn't know why and still feel like a fool doing that... Hardly had I cried in my life, however annoying life is sometimes. Yet I easily get affected by some touching things I feel in some books or some movies. Even seeing an old woman in shabby clothes scavenging for food leaves me down and sad all day. But I don't know how I can help. Just like what the novel says, life is not fair. Everyone is getting old and will die someday, whether it's natural death or by accident, it's unfair somehow. And the beloved loves--family or friends, will have to endure great pains. It's unfair as well. But the point is, you have to move forward and grow up.

I feel like, having taken a lesson of life reading this book. Now I want to spend more time with my parents. I've always known that they are getting older and older, but hardly had I thought about the fact that they would leave me one day, like the father of John in this book, which scared me much. Life is so normal with them around me that I always take it for granted. Sometimes I even blame them for some trivial things and for not being understanding. But now I think, maybe I should be the one to understand them better.

Have you read any other good stories? Your sharing is very welcome. 

2014년 4월 29일 오후 3:27
댓글 · 4

Unfortunately, I haven't read it, but I watched the film shot by this book. It was quite impressive.

2014년 4월 30일

Thank you very much for your kind sharing of reading. O(∩_∩)O~

愤怒的葡萄,that is "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck, is very popular in China too, I found, though I haven't read it before. ...But I will read it some time.

And the poem by 泰戈尔 Rabindranath taigor,is very well-known too. I've just searched it online and it's great to me. (*^__^*) 

2014년 4월 30일

Hello Ivey


I have read shesher kobita (The last poem) by Rabindranath taigor, such a great love story of Amit Ray and Labannya.


2014년 4월 30일

Lately I've read "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck, a very powerful novel, set during the Great Depression, devoted to the story of The Joads, a farmers family.

2014년 4월 30일