Your opinion of Language Programs in Korea, specifically Busan

I may start this later in Korean, but this first one in English.


I'd like any opinions of Language programs as they are done for foreigners in Korea, and if you have specifics of those in Busan, I'd really like that.


I'm a professional who lives in Korea. My wife is Korean and we have been married for 29 years. I'm intermediate level, but a difficult case because of how I've learned - no systematic approach, and much of our married time not in Korea. Currently, my company pays for individual language instruction, and that is helpful, but it is limited in contact/learning time. It will also expire soon.


Now, I see many language programs offered for different targets in Busan. I would like to be able to participate in a group, but I REALLY want native speakers as the primaries I speak with for a number of reasons. Helping others with what I know helps me reinforce what I know, too, so that is also helpful.


I know our elder daughter had great success when she was in college in Seoul, but I must work for a living, and need to improve.


Does anyone have experience with any of the programs offered in Busan? or elsewhere in Korea? I'd love to hear your opinions and any experience, and how well you think it might work to advance the level of someone like me.

2014년 5월 1일 오전 1:29