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Learning Article : Chopsticks Etiquette In China: 10 Things You Should Never Do

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<a href='/article/129/chopsticks-etiquette-10-things-you-should-never-do' target='_blank'>Chopsticks Etiquette In China: 10 Things You Should Never Do</a>

We all know Chinese people use chopsticks to eat. Perhaps you know how to use chopsticks, but do you know how NOT to use them? Here, I will share with you 10 forbidden ways to use chopsticks. 10 things you should NEVER do with chopsticks: ...

2014년 5월 17일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 6

这是什么时代? 太夸张了吧..

2015년 5월 20일

I made the number 8 error a long time ago, in a japanese restaurant in paris. The waiter came and told me not to do that. He just told me it was not good. Thank you for sharing all these explanations.

2014년 5월 27일


2014년 5월 27일

Another big one for me: don't use just one end of the chopsticks for eating! It's gross and unsanitary; the chubby end should be used for grabbing food from the shared community plates. I'm an ABC and don't know if Chinese immigrants do this but it reduces disease transmission.

2014년 5월 22일

Very interesting and important read. Thank you!

2014년 5월 20일
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