Alexander Montilla
Does anybody here have performed the TOEFL test?

It's an international test that recognize your english knowledge. Greetings!

2014년 5월 23일 오후 3:29
댓글 · 6

I'd prefer to take any of Cambridge English (Advanced, First). Their qualifications are for life.


TOEFL is only valid for two years.


Source: I'm taking Cambridge First this year, probably October or November.

2014년 5월 24일

I think IELETS for UK universities 

2014년 5월 24일

Cambridge english test is only for the UK or for all over the world? I mean.. Is toefl test valid for the UK too or just american? 

2014년 5월 24일

No, but I think it is always a good thing to take a test so you can be sure about your level.

2014년 5월 23일

I did TOEFL ITP and I intend to do TOEFL iBT in the next few months

2014년 5월 23일
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