What is the Best way to Learn Korean ?
2014년 7월 8일 오전 4:47
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TalkToMeInKorean is great to start off with. I combined it with flashcards and a textbook.


As with any language, it is really important to start building (relevant) vocabulary. I can highly recommend Anki for this. You can use the Smartphone app (free for android) to go through the words while having any idle moment. I would advise NOT to download a standard deck of words, but rather pick up words you find interesting and add them as you go. The problem with vocabulary lists is that they teach you a lot of words that are likely to be very irrelevant for beginners. The Songang Korean textbooks tech you words like "electronic dictionary" and "curtains" before the word for "beer", "rice" or "milk" for example.


Especially in the beginning, I would be very selective in what you learn. Building relevant vocabulary through flashcards is always a great start!

2014년 7월 25일

I'm using TTMIK http://www.talktomeinkorean.com/ their grammar lessons are really good, they have a PDF and podcast for each lesson, as well as various types of video lessons :)

2014년 7월 12일


Helps with vocabulary accumulation. 

2014년 7월 28일

Watch 아빠! 어디가? (Where are you going, Dad?) 

fun reality show

(Most Korean reality shows are great)


Korean dads and their kids go to a homestay experience in New Zealand. 




2014년 7월 17일

Sing along to Korean pop songs! 

U-KISS - Quit Playing, 유키스 - 끼부리지마,


2014년 7월 13일
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