Elena Benitez
Have you seen the movie Nebraska?

Do you have seen the movie Nebraska?

In my next exam I'll have to talk about my favorite movie and this is: Nebraska, in my opinion is the most beautiful is a 2013 American comedy-drama that I have seen lately. For improve my skills I'll appreciate your comments and of course you review my mistakes. Thanks in advance.

2014년 7월 18일 오후 12:44
댓글 · 2

Do you Have you seen the movie <em>Nebraska</em>?


In my next exam, I'll have to talk about my favorite movie and this it is: Nebraska. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful is a 2013 American comedy-drama*, released in 2013, that I have seen lately. For In order to improve my skills, I'll would appreciate your comments and, of course, your review of {or better, correction of} my mistakes. Thanks in advance.


*We also call this a "dramedy".


I caught up with <em>Nebraska</em> on an international flight to Frankfurt recently and I liked it. It's slow-paced, but not boring. I cracked up at the awkward family reunion and the foul-mouthed mom. :)

2014년 7월 18일

If the old people want to do something, no matter how absurd, try to help them achieve it.

2014년 7월 18일