British english or American english

What kind of english is easier the American or the British??:)

2014년 8월 7일 오전 10:00
댓글 · 6

I can't tell the difference. Well, I can when I see the word colour spelled as color ( the Americans deliberately changed the spelling ) or when an American sends me the the wrong floor in a hotel because to them the first floor is the ground floor.


But if I'm reading, for example, an article written by an American, or an Australian, or New Zealander, or Canadian etc.  I simply cannot tell the difference. (Unless I get one of those little clues, like colour/color)



2014년 8월 7일

Hallo, Chris. Britische Ausprache (Received Pronunciation Dialekt) ist besser als amerikanische Ausprache (General American Dialekt).

Im Amerikanischen wird zum Beispiel ein „r“ meistens ausgesprochen, während es im britischen Englisch nur dann gesprochen wird, wenn es vor einem Vokal steht.

Eine der auffälligsten Eigenschaften ist das so genannte "t" Flapping. Im Amerikanischen wird ein "t" oder auch "tt" zwischen zwei Vokalen wie als "d" auszusprechen, z.B. "Manhattan" ist "Mänhäddn" oder "Cincinatti" ist "Cincinäddih".

Britische Englisch hat einen starken Kontrast der Länge zwischen "kurz" und "lange" Vokale. Deiser Kontrast ist viel weniger offensichtlich in Amerikanische Englisch.

2014년 8월 7일

If you are using standard language and not using a lot of slang, they are so similar you don't usually need to worry about the difference.


If you are using a lot of slang, then really American vs British English is a false dichotomy; there are many different cultures in both the US and UK and other English-speaking countries around the world, all with their own slang and idioms.

2014년 8월 7일

I wish iTalki would allow corrections after one hits the 'submit' button.

Please read it thus... when an American sends me TO the wrong floor....


Mind you, the American would think it's ME that's going to the wrong floor....

2014년 8월 7일

I wouldn't say one is more difficult than the other. They are just different. Pronunciation and vocabulary will vary a bit depending on what you're learning, but the vast majority is the same.

2014년 8월 7일
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