My Website - Latin American Life: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Hey guys: I am an instructor and student here on Italki and I wanted to share my website: http://www.latinamericanlife.com/ with everyone. I definitely still have work to do, but I'm working on creating a website that is both an outlet for connecting language students to the best online resources available (English, Spanish and Portuguese), access to professional English, Spanish, and Portuguese online teachers, a language learning blog, and more. Hopefully this is of some use to many of you guys looking for other great outlets for improving your langauge skills online.

Have a great week! :-D

2014년 8월 12일 오후 1:39
댓글 · 5

I simply love the lots of resources for those who are learning Portuguese and Spanish. Have found a lot of things that I'll use for my own Spanish improvement and also will indicate it to my students of portuguese! Show de bola, parabéns! 

2014년 8월 14일

That's cool

2016년 1월 13일


2015년 12월 1일

Ótima iniciativa! :)

2015년 8월 4일

Hi. My name is Joao. I can help with your Portuguese 

2015년 2월 24일