What's the difference?


I just started to learn Spanish, and I knew that when you make meeting you can use 'encantada' and 'un placer conocerte'. Is there difference between this expressions and what is better to use and when? Thanks

2014년 8월 27일 오후 3:19
댓글 · 20

Yes, in Spain you can also say "mucho gusto" but it is formal. Un "placer conocerle" is even more formal and a bit old fashioned. Encantado/a is the most common way, to greet someone and can be formal or informal. (Well, young people would just say "Hola" lol).

2014년 8월 30일

I think encantada is used more when you first meet someone and un placer conocerte is used when the first meeting ends.

I'm not fluent in Spanish but I have used both and had no funny looks from people when saying it.

I hope that helps you from a foreigner's perspective.

2014년 8월 27일

Victor, you are wrong about "leísmo". You are making a mistake called "loísmo" because would be "conocerle/la" the correct word. This mistake is especially common in Madrid (España).

2015년 7월 1일



Puedes usar:



Un placer conocerte!

Me encantó conocerte!

Me gustó conocerte!


Cualquiera esta bien, todas son perfectamente válidas. Quizás son un poco formales


Si buscas algo más informal o casual puedes decir


Disfrute hablando contigo!

Pase un buen rato contigo!


2014년 8월 27일
Hola. “Encantada” es más coloquial. “Un placer conocerle” se usa en un ambiente más serio como podría ser de negocios por ejemplo.
2019년 10월 27일
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