Chris Brown
Learning Article : 4 Ways To Improve Your Language Learning Memory Skills

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<a href='/article/254/word-juggling-4-ways-to-improve-your-memory-skills-for-language-learning' target='_blank'>4 Ways To Improve Your Language Learning Memory Skills</a>

Long-term memory, fluid intelligence, working memory - the mental skills involved in decoding the speech of a native speaker are a lot like the skills involved in juggling. Here are four ways to practice so you don't drop the ball...

2014년 9월 16일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 20

Thank you for sharing this. I think it is good to try. :)

2014년 11월 4일

I'll try the Dual N-Back :)) But I think all these mental exercises are kind of placebo.


2014년 9월 20일
The first and second tasks sound a very interesting, I will try them. Thanks for article.
2016년 5월 27일

Can I say 1 thing?can u say to me how can I use this application to speak someone?I dont know honestly..

2015년 5월 18일

I love the first two suggestions.  The first one - repeating everything - must be maddening to listen to XD  Good article, I like it!

2015년 4월 2일
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