Stef Guilly
What are your English goals?

Hi everyone, 


I'm curious to know - what are your English goals? Do you have general goals like "I want to be fluent" or specific, measurable goals like "I want to be able to read a menu in a restaurant"? 


Did you know that setting specific, measurable goals will help improve much faster? Maybe you don't know which goals to set! Let's talk about it.  

2014년 9월 19일 오후 2:17
댓글 · 13

I was reading HP fanfiction and with time I realised I've run out of new stories in russian. So I googled up the most full fanfiction site in english and started to learn it.

I began from reading short stories, opening the dictionary on every second word. After an hour or so of reading I was really tired, almost to headache, but it took me just a year and a half of pushing myself, so now I can freely go through the best stories not looking at language at all. Thus I've already achieved my goal. It makes me selfishly proud a bit, but I'm really happy I can understand what I need without even giving my consciousness a kick.

Now, after the understanding have ceased to challenge me as it was in the start of my quest, I find it not halfbad to widen my horizons and actually talk to people in English. The problem is that I have nobody to talk to. Students I'm studying with/my acquaintances/friends do not know the language good enough to attempt speaking, so I'm kinda short-handed here, in chatting companion department =)

2014년 9월 19일

Carlos - Try to choose a few topics specifically (work, family, etc.) and work on those. That way you will feel this sense of accomplishment when you can get it! If you 'cast a wide net' (make your goals too big) then you might feel frustrated with so much information. 


Dariahn - Wow! What an amazing achievement! I get frustrated when I have to read and look up every second word. You did a great thing by sticking to it and reading only for an hour at a time.  Do you have any community groups in your area (like Toastmasters, Rotary, Couchsurfer, Meet-ups ect.) that way you can talk to someone in person? 

2014년 9월 19일

I would like to speak more naturally, without thinking of finding the wright word in the right context.

2014년 9월 19일

Hey guys, these are some good goals! Some of you added great tips to help you learn (like watching TV or listening to music). A goal is something measurable, so think - how can I measure my learning? How will I know when I succeed? It can be simple things or big things to keep you motivated.


Here are some ideas: 


I want to go to a restaurant and read and understand an English menu, and order my food.

I want to find something (t-shirt) and order it online through an English language website.

I want to watch a short TED talk and understand the concept.

I want to read a recipe in English and cook the meal.

I want to host an English night party where we talk in English for at least 3 hours about a topic.

I want to work towards taking a Cambridge English exam (requires special training).

I want to to translate my CV into English and interview in English.

I want to watch TV series in English and understand everything.


These things aren't things that you just wake up and do. They take patience, practice, and some sort of study plan. Good luck! Let me know when you've reached one of your goals and put it on here so we can share it together. 

2014년 9월 21일

hello everyone, i learnd engish is long time, almost said that is a few years, i love the english music and the movies. when i watch the movies, i felling conect the other world and no longer, i very want travel around the world for the other country, and i konw that in my country is crazy for learnded the english.

2014년 9월 19일
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