What is your favorite language and why is it your favorite? My favorite Asian languages are Cantonese, Thai and Japanese mostly because I like the sounds of Cantonese and its rare tones. Japanese for its unique writing systems and Thai for its interesting sound. My favorite European languages are Romanian, Icelandic and German mostly for their sounds. Your turn :)
2014년 9월 24일 오전 3:16
댓글 · 3

Out of all the languages I speak: Spanish, English, Esperanto, Portuguese, and Mandarind; my favorite is Chinese because it is so easy to screw up (haha), learning it is like playing a video game on very difficult settings, and the faces Chinese and Taiwanese make when they hear me speak is priceless =-)

Just me speaking Chinese to college students and goofing around. ;

2014년 9월 30일


2014년 9월 24일
Spanish because of the many ways to say the same thing :)
2014년 9월 24일