

2014년 9월 30일 오후 3:05
댓글 · 2

你可以跟我学英语。。。英语是我的母语。我觉得最重要是找你喜欢做的事。如果你喜欢听音乐,你可以去听音乐。如果你喜欢看电影,找一些你喜欢的电影。你学了英语学了多久? 放心,我知道你有一天可以成功! 加油!

2014년 9월 30일

I can understand you. I am the same type as you.

Sometimes i think the purpose of English in China, around all other Chinese people is not to communicate but to performance.

But when English turns back to the normal communication tool, it would become not so scared =)


And maybe, you could ask your question once more, in English. I´m sure you will get more help!

2014년 9월 30일