Recommendations for Learning Korean---- 강추 꼭 필요해요 :)

Trying to improve my listening in Korean, and the most helpful thing I have found so far has been 세바시 15분 on youtube.

Do you know anything that is like this, and that is also easily accesible on websites such as youtube? 

I am looking for something where there is a discussion or  lecture in very clear speech about one or a few topics for the length of the show.

If you know of anything, please let me know :) :) :) 잘 부탁하세요:)

2014년 11월 1일 오전 8:59
댓글 · 6



Thanks a ton for the suggestions. KBS shows are pretty hard to understand because the participants don't just talk fast, but they also interupt and talk over themselves alot of the time :/

강연 100도씨(강연 100℃) was great though. I just finished watching a few episodes, thanks for the great recommendation!!!!


2014년 11월 20일

세바시를 아시네요??????? 와!


강연 100도씨(강연 100℃)도 비슷한 프로그램이예요


KBS에서 하는 프로그램입니다! 한 번 들어보세요 :)


한국어 공부하시는데 도움이 됐으면 좋겠어요!

2014년 11월 20일

Talk to me in Korean-iyagi series

2014년 11월 1일


2014년 11월 3일

I really liked the iyagi series when TTMIK still used to make them. I don't know why they stopped :( !!!! I especially liked the advanced lessons, but that was short lived too. As much as I love the TTMIK team, it seems like most of the content they come out with nowadays is aimed towards beginners and not very helpful. However, I will give them a big thumbs up for the subscription news series they have just started. If you liked the iyagi series, they also have similiar dialogues on with some of the same people. 

2014년 11월 2일
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