اللغة العربية الفصحي والعامية the arabic language paschal and street

The Arabic language is like all formal viral written languages on earth it has levels 

1-Top level: the most paschal & the hardest one to be proficient at that found in the Holy Quran where the grammer was first extracted ,formation and the intonation even the arabic native speakers find it hard to learn it.

2-advanced level: still hard but not like the top one you can find it in  formal books and letters where the grammer is exist and paschal words are used.

3-intermediate level: starting from this level you can find speakers using the language level in their daily-life although it seems to be old-fashioned but people who have culture tend to use it in the upper 2 levels you hardly can find someone using them in his daily-life just in case when you reading the Holy Quran or praying in this case you are obliged to use this high language level.

4-Low level "the street level":the language that all the arabs speak in the streets and in there daily-lifes it's called "العامية" or colloquial beceasue its common between all the people you can find it the movies thiaters talk-shows and so on....

There are a lot of dilects for the arabic language according to the region you live in,

there is Khaligi dialect spoken in the arabian gulf countries , Shamy dialect spoken in both syria and lebanon and the Egyptian dialect which is the easiest and most clear among all dialects not beacuse i'm egyptian but because the egyptian dialect doesn't have tongue or lips deviations it has grammer mistakes of course like all dialects but it is the clearest ,most spreadable and the easiest to find in the movies and talkshows.

The purpose of that article not to disappoint arabic learners its just to make things crystal clear for you to set your objectives and choose the easiest way to achieve them.

2014년 11월 17일 오후 3:47