커뮤니티 튜터
Should i say " keep on going or keep on this way"? "Carry on"? Are there some idiomatic expression?

In french we say " Continue comme ça". I guess it depend (situation etc) but i'm looking for an expression to say " carry on" when you think someone is doing something good and you want him not to stop.

2014년 11월 22일 오후 4:55
댓글 · 5

"Carry on" by itself is fine for this type of situation. Also "keep up the good work" or just "keep it up."

2014년 11월 22일

"Keep going" is good enough.


"Don't stop" is another option.


It all sounds like some video clips on the Web...


"Carry on" is not appropriate for what you want. It is used for things like tasks and work etc.

2014년 11월 22일

'Carry on like that' sounds fine to me.


I don't know what he's doing to you... but I'm glad that you're enjoying it. ;)

2014년 11월 22일
A really good expression for encouraging, and my personal favourite, is to say "keep up the good work!"
2017년 3월 24일

oh no i meant to encourage someone, a person you know or you don't really know, it can be an artist or singer or something like that.

2014년 11월 22일