What is your talents or uniqueness or skills that you have just discovered?

"I see something in you...but I don't know what it is!!!"


Everyone wants to be special...everyone wants to feel special. 


What is your talent or uniqueness or skills that you have just discovered?


P/S: The title of this discussion was inspired by DANANJAYA J HETTIARACHCHI
World Champion of Public Speaking 2014 Ist Place Winner.

2014년 11월 25일 오전 10:06
댓글 · 3

It is an interesting issue. I think, not simple to give truthful answer. Maybe what I can do it is quite common for a person. I consider it is necessary to distinguish concepts: "to have a talent" and "to be specialist". Van Gogh, for example, possessed talent to draw. Whitney Houston had a posh voice. There are a few such people who may create something unprecedented.
My work and study are connected with law. I can name myself "specialist". Of course, many people can name me as well. Every day I improve my knowledge in legal area. May I say about myself that I have a talent in legal area? I think I may not. As for me, talent is something more than good experience, knowledge and skills.

For example, there was the only one Jean-Jacques Rousseau who came to the top due to creating theory of social contract. He had a talent in legal area. Others were only specialists. There were many lawyers who took the floor in courts, but the name of Fedor Plevako is on everyone's lips because he was a magnificent orator. He had a talent in conduction of debate.

I am probably pessimistic and categorical. I hope my thought will be properly understood ) And I am always ready to discuss. 

2014년 11월 25일

I am very happy to be useful. It is pleasant to see that my thoughts coincide with thoughts of other person )

2014년 11월 26일

Thanks Nick for the amazing opinion. I always have that some kind of similar thought in my mind but you just pointed it out very well. I like the way you explain the concept of "to have a talent" and "to be specialist" because you gave realistic examples and easily understood.

2014년 11월 25일