Greeting (احوالپرسی)

Greeting in Persian is very similar to English. 

There are some routine expressions which may not have deep meaning. For example, when some asks "چه خبر؟" (what's up?), you can answer "سلامتی" that here does not have it real meaning and is an expression which means a word like "peace" or "everything's fine". Thus, I recommend you to be familiar with Persian expression to facilitate your learning process. In this way, you could feel more confident as you can begin a conversation in that langauge to follow your advanced learning steps. 

موفق باشید

(another greeting: wish you being successful)

2014년 11월 28일 오후 2:52
댓글 · 6

خيلي ممنون مازيار. آن بسيار مفيده. خسته نباشيد. 

2015년 2월 14일

khaste nabashid Mazyar

2014년 12월 1일

!سلام مازیار عزیز

It is so good to see you here on italki!!! Welcome. I can say that because this time, I was here first.  :)


Welcome... I heard it in some Iranian movies and know I learned it somewhere.  Something like بهفرموید؟؟


An appropriate response to چه خبر is سلامتی.  Got it.  So, how should someone respond to موفق باشید? If there is more than one appropriate response, please list a few alternatives.  :)


I have little confidence in greetings, especially saying goodbye.  Are the rules of greeting people on the internet in Persian different from those one would use in person?


Azalea.. who isn't sure which goodbye greeting to give here!!  :P



2014년 11월 28일

  (خواهش می کنم، خیلی ممنون ازلطفتان (لطفتون

other expressions: 

1) خواهش میکنم : your welcome

2) (خیلی ممنون از لطفتون (لطفتان : thank you very much for your kindness.

2015년 2월 15일

ممنون، امیدوارم مفید باشه

2014년 12월 2일
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