Juan Fernando
English Speakers

Hi Im looking for English Speaker. I have the B2 Certificate so I can speak fluent. I would like to move to UK soon, so I need carry on improving. Preferably I would prefer British, Australian or Irish people because I understand it better. Dont hesitate to write me :D

2014년 12월 20일 오후 6:51
댓글 · 2

Juan, you should have no trouble being understood in the UK if you have a B2 certificate, but in my experience teaching in Spain, if you have the EOI certificate you probably haven't had a lot of opportunity to speak, and therefore might not be a confident speaker. You'll probably find that once you get to the UK you'll be fine. 


Are you planning to look for work? The difficulty might be that you struggle in a job interview. Practising the common questions employers ask, and making sure you know the vocabulary for your job would be very important before you go. Good luck.

2014년 12월 20일

Hey Juan Fernando,I am a British teacher of English.Maybe I can help you prepare.I think you will be able to understand my accent pretty well.

2014년 12월 20일