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Learning Article : How Do I Write In Italian? Correct Use Of The Accent Mark

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<a href='/article/351/how-do-i-write-in-italian-correct-use-of-the-accent-mark' target='_blank'>How Do I Write In Italian? Correct Use Of The Accent Mark</a>

Do you know how to use accent marks when writing in Italian? Avoid these mistakes made by Italian learners and native speakers alike! Try the exercise at the end.

2015년 1월 7일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 3

Ciao Blessi! Hai proprio ragione. Anche i madrelingua italiani dovrebbero ristudiare queste regole grammaticali!! ☺

2015년 4월 6일
2017년 1월 14일

If you wnat you could send me your answer of the exercise at the end of this article. Fell free to send it to me. I'll send you the correction. 

Bye! Alle the best,


2015년 1월 15일