The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others?
Do you agree with my statement?

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

2015년 3월 9일 오후 8:41
댓글 · 4

  I agree with you.  Those who  seem able to love and care for others,  also know how to love themselves.

2015년 3월 10일

Hi Oksana! Absolutely! If you don't love yourself & do things that make you suffer, you can't expect others to treat you well.

2015년 3월 9일

Here is just a self effacing opinion:
I think we are selfish! 
But when we meet new people we actually have a great and polite behavior, which doesn't mean we are traeting ourselves the same way. What we want indeed is create a picture of us as a good person so we can have a normal social live. Most of the time we pretend be, we are not! 

2015년 3월 9일

Ummmm.....may be yes

2015년 3월 9일