Free Apps For Studying Japanese

Hi! I am currently learning Japanese and I saw this really good article online about free apps to study Japanese: http://blog.gaijinpot.com/free-apps-for-studying-japanese/


Do you have any other good apps you recommend?


2015년 3월 18일 오후 9:52
댓글 · 6

I like how you say CrunchyRoll! lol


But it's true, I found watching Japanese TV helps me a lot!

2015년 3월 18일


Memrise is fun.

Kanji Assault.



Read Japanese

OCR  Manga Reader

IQQI Japanese Keyboard


All of the Storybooks from Rye Studio

Kana Sidekick

Easy Kanji

CrunchyRoll ( :D )

The Wine Fairy Series by genecre

(sorry, I've tried a lot  :) )



Hiragana Pixel party (also for windows desktop and phone)

2015년 3월 18일

"imiwa?" is a good app! Free as well. ^_^
It is avaliable on iphones, not sure about androids. 

2015년 4월 17일

If you're happy to get it all set up then try Anki, it's free for your computer and Android phones ($25 on iPhone). It can be superior to Memrise, WaniKani, et al. It all depends on whether you wish to invest the time into setting it up and planing what to study.

2015년 3월 24일

LOL! Yeah! It's taken a while, but recognizing sections of sentences in an Anime or Drama can be so self-gratifying!! :)

2015년 3월 19일
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