new italki tag: pronunciation and accent reduction

Hello everybody!


I would like to improve my pronunciation skill and reduce my strong Italian accent and I found some good teachers here who are helping me in this beautiful and long journey


However, italki tags didn't help me so much to find the right person as the only thing I could do was to read each description and go into the teacher's profile to take more information


It would be very useful to add a tag "Accent reduction" and/or "Pronunciation" for those teacher who are specialist in pronunciation training

Thank you

2015년 3월 25일 오후 10:23
댓글 · 18

First of all thank you to all who wrote their opinion.


I sent an email to italki admins so let's see if they will like it


@Robert: I would like to have a good pronunciation and reduce my accent simply because it is my way to "respect" the language that I'm going to use and not because I'm ashamed of my roots :-)
 It is also a way to feel more confident and confortable to think without to wonder if I'm clear or not when I'm speaking and to understand better the native speakers as to know how words sound like helps a lot language comprehension too. I will never have a native accent and isn't my target neither;maybe I will


@Annabella: if you wish to improve your English I guess you are at the right place. If you need to use it for academic reasons I advise to take lesson with a professional teacher and give to yourself at least C1 as level but don't forget to pratice a lot with natives too.Good luck!

2015년 3월 26일

Dear Rossella,

Great to hear from you!

Thank you for taking the time and energy to helping us improve our service. We truly appreciate your feedback.

I have passed these suggestions on our development and design team, and we will try to incorporate these ideas in future updates to italki. We are actually discussing our tagging system at the moment, and trying to figure out if they even work! So I will definitely add this to our next discussion, thank you!

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Customer Support

2015년 3월 27일

Peachey thank you for advise. I will write to admins and let's check what they can do :-)

2015년 3월 26일

It sounds a nice idea! By the way,my pronunciation is not good ,either .

After add the new tag about them, we can search related information what we want more quikly.

2015년 3월 26일
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