Do you like the <House Of card>?

I like this TV very much.It show us the humanity.The struggle between conscience and career.

Do you like the TV too? Why? Can you tell me? Welcome to discuss the theme.

2015년 3월 30일 오후 12:03
댓글 · 5

The key, in my opinion, is to acknowledge that it's not very realistic all in all, and then to just enjoy the ride. 

2015년 3월 30일

I like the first season of <house of cards>, but feel a little bit disappointed about the second season. I think it is a little bit far-fetched that Kavin Spacey would push Kate Mara off to the subway by himself.  

but of couse it is still reprisent the highest standard of a TV drama in Amercia. and to me,  I much prefer the <true detective>, I am looking forward the second season.

2015년 3월 30일

There aren't many dramas that I actually like, but House of Cards and Breaking Bad are probably the two best. 

2015년 3월 30일

Yeah I am currently following the third season, and from what I've seen so fa, this last season doesn't seem to be as good as the two previous ones. :)

2015년 3월 30일

The Best Series after Breaking bad i've ever seen man!


It is obviously the best series tv now....

2015년 3월 30일