Sónia Tavares
Learning Article : Placing Commas In Portuguese

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<a href='/article/417/placing-commas-in-portuguese' target='_blank'>Placing Commas In Portuguese</a>

Proper comma placement is extremely important in certain languages such as English and Portuguese. In fact, it is an extremely sensitive issue, that doing it incorrectly can change the entire meaning of a sentence! Read this article to learn how and where to place commas in Portuguese.

2015년 4월 7일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 3

Nice article! I could talk to students that use Portuguese a lot at work to write corporative e-mails. They are always worried about the use of commas. Sure this article will be very useful.

2015년 4월 30일

A really nice article, I think that will help a lot some students.

2015년 4월 7일
Ótimo artigo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
2020년 2월 16일