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Learning Article : 24 Expressions To Describe People In English

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<a href='/article/410/24-expressions-to-describe-people-in-english' target='_blank'>24 Expressions To Describe People In English</a>

Express yourself! Are you affectionate? Arrogant? Moody? These expressions will help you describe anybody you meet just like a native speaker would.

2015년 4월 8일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 16

It is a excellent article. Thanks you very much.

2015년 4월 8일

Thanks for your article, It was really useful for me :) 

2015년 4월 8일

It is a excellent article. Thank you very much. :)

2015년 5월 28일

I'm a shirker, haha, no I'm not.

Shirker - someone who avoids work/responsibily

2015년 5월 11일

Thanks a lot! Hope to be continued...

2015년 5월 11일
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