Newspapers, magazines and radio stations.

Hi everyone. Could you recommend me some interesting online newspapers and magazines in English? I also want to improve my listening skills, so I would appreciate if you could also recommend me some radio stations in which they talk about interesting things such as music, cinema, literature, or world news.

Thanks a lot! 

2015년 4월 18일 오후 4:46
댓글 · 10

The BBC website is very good. It has up to date news everyday and lots of things to explore. 


I have an app on my Ipad called TuneIn Radio and you can listen to radio from all over the world and search via country, language, genre etc. If it is availible where you are i would highly recommend it. 

LBC is a talk radio show which can be quite interesting and would be good for an English learner to listen to. 

2015년 4월 18일

I recommend you to read the BBC or CNN everyday 

2015년 4월 18일

BBC 6 minutes in English learning that I have got access to for 2 years

2015년 5월 22일

You can follow these websites for news.

2015년 4월 19일
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