커뮤니티 튜터
Whatsapp chat group for Turkish learners

I'm planning to create a Whatsapp group that you can ask your specific questions to me and chat with others in Turkish to improve your vocabulary and writing skills. You can join to group regardless of your Turkish level. I'm going to create it if it gets enough attendance.

Message me if you have any questions or want to join.

2015년 5월 7일 오후 9:58
댓글 · 38

We have practising whatsapp group link here Turkish English and Arabic

https://chat.whatsapp.com/GZd75wpaBvYLUkNhFc3lZz and you can contact this number to be added +905383679057 iyi günler 

2019년 1월 16일
how can i start it first and tesekur ederim :)
2018년 3월 7일
This group isn't currently active. Thank you all for your attention. 
2016년 7월 19일

Did you already create this group? How will it work? In which way you want to help to increase our vocabulary :)

thank you! :)

2015년 5월 9일
Can you add me? this is my what's app number +8801683839161
2020년 7월 24일
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