Portuguese vocabulary learning

I have finished some grammar in Portuguese learning, and find the bottleneck in front of me, the vocabulary. Anytime i tried to talk with someone in Pts, i know exactly how should i structure the sentence, but with the word absent from my mind, I cannot continue the conversation.
So I am considering how we can enlarge our vocabulary accumulation. I think in Pts, verbs are the most important, and the fundamental part of vocabulary. With the verb original, and the rule to transform verb to other words, we can easily get the noun, adj, or adv, etc.
For example, when you learned the verb concertar, its adj. concertado, noun concertamento, or concerssao will be just there in your mind.
With the help of a friend, i got the 1000 most frequently used verbs, and i am planning to start from the verb, and then expand to the relevant words.

Do you think it is a good way to learn more words? Do you have any other idea in learning Pts vocabulary?

2015년 5월 10일 오후 3:46
댓글 · 2

Hi! Portuguese may be really hard for foreign. If you want to learn portuguese you may start to learn the portuguese talked in Brazil. It´s easier than the portuguese from Portugal. If you want to improve you vocabulary, you should read comics and little books, using a dictionary. You also should play video games in portuguese. You´ll improve your listening. You don´t need to spend many hours with grammar. If you talk with a native, you´ll see the phrasal structure and understand the mean of the words. If you want, we can practice.

2015년 5월 22일

Hi. I think you should do the same we do for learning english... Take the words from things around you ( objetcts, places, numbers, feelings) and the most important greetings for your day... Is the same way. The verbs are important, yes, to any language. Listen music, speak with brazilian... With the simple things you go far away. ????

2015년 5월 21일