Learning Article : Top 10 Informal Resources For Improving Your Serbian

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<a href='/article/465/top-10-informal-resources-for-improving-your-serbian' target='_blank'>Top 10 Informal Resources For Improving Your Serbian</a>

Are you learning Serbian? In this article I list ten interesting and useful internet-based resources for learning Serbian and explain the best way to use them.

2015년 6월 3일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 7

Hvala ti puno, veoma zanimljivo je!

2015년 6월 3일

Hi Magdalena,

These are the links which do not work (here)

1. For many years now he's been publishing <a href="http://www.blic.rs/Strip/2125/Marko-Somborac" target="_blank" title="Marko Somborac's daily comics">a short comic strip every day</a> for Blic, a Serbian daily newspaper.

2. “<a href="http://politikin-zabavnik.rs/pz/index.php" target="_blank" title="Политикин забавник">Политикин забавник</a>"

3. In their <a href="http://politikin-zabavnik.rs/pz/arhiva" target="_blank" title="Politikin Zabavnik archive">archive</a>, you will find older issues

4. <a href="http://scc.digital.bkp.nb.rs/collection/decije" target="_blank" title="Serbian Children's Digital Library">Serbian Children's Digital Library</a>


Veliki pozdrav :)

2016년 6월 10일

Thank you for the article. You have actually given me some hope that I can 'practice' and have some 'real world' experience that I can maybe at least become polite in Serbian.

I do agree with another comment that asked for an update, but more to fix broken links.


2016년 6월 7일

Very interesting article, it would be even better if you could possibly make it up-to-date.

If you mention Google Translator, wiktionary is also not so bad option, as there are many Serbo-Croatian words there and there are tables with declensions included.

Another quite useful site I came across recently is this one: http://staznaci.com/

2016년 6월 4일

Nema na čemu, Sina, drago mi je što ti se sviđa moj članak :)

2015년 6월 3일
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