What makes Dutch a hard language for you as a student?

Are you studying Dutch and experiencing difficulties? 
Please do tell me what aspects of the language are causing these difficulties.

Perhaps I can be of help :) 

2015년 6월 26일 오전 9:13
댓글 · 9

My main trouble is the vowel sounds. I either sound too German, or too Scottish or too English when pronouncing Dutch. :)

2015년 6월 27일

I have difficulty with Dutch because I can hardly find anyone who knows it in the States. I learnt German very easily because of my family and teacher and I learnt French easily because of my teacher was from France and she went above and beyond in her teaching. She made it fun; however with Dutch though it, it has been challenging because I haven't got a teacher like that. I have been to both Germany and the Netherlands but again I spoke German everyday there. In the Netherlands though, it was English and they questioned why I wanted to learn Dutch.

2015년 6월 26일

I also have problems with spelling. Do I double the vowel here, double the consonants there...?  Ik maakk...? :D ;)

2015년 6월 29일

Ik vind het spelling erg moeilijk en soms de uitspraak. 

2015년 6월 29일

I find really hard when I need to deal with correct 'voorzetsel'.

2015년 6월 28일
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