About happyness How long people can wait and endure to obtaine their happiness, to implementation their drams? Most of us know, that to achieve something, we muct much work and must wait.
2015년 7월 2일 오전 5:16
댓글 · 3

Life = luck

Newton started to think about gravity because an apple had fallen on his crazy head. Einstein had worked in a post office for years before someone gave him some attention. So yeah, we need to work hard, but nothing is guaranteed in any case. Soooo, relax sometimes.

2015년 7월 2일

How long can people wait, and how much do they have to endure, to find happiness and realize their dreams. Most of us know, that in order to achieve something, we must work hard and be patient.

2015년 7월 2일
How long people must wait to obtain their dreams, Most of know that to achieve anything, we must work hard and wait for the results. you might try note book for things like this in the future
2015년 7월 2일