How many languages are spoken in your country?

There are 700 hundreds languages (LANGUAGES NOT ACCENTS) are spoken in my country Indonesia; nevertheless, we have only one an official language which is Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Almost every single city has a different local language and accent, therefore we use Indonesian to communicate and understand each other. 


Tell me about yours!

2015년 7월 23일 오전 4:22
댓글 · 4

I think you meant "dialect" instead of "accent". The US ranks 5th at 311. Papua New Guinea is first, with 820. 

2015년 7월 23일

700? whoaaa. My country Guyana has 11. 

2015년 10월 5일

According to Wikipedia, Brazil has 200 languages, Brazil ranks 11th. I find it weird (and funny, as well) because we are one of the most linguistically homogenous countries in the world. About 99,8% of the population speak Portuguese as their mother tongue (the other 0,2% are imiggrants). I live in the capital and I rarely meet someone who speaks something other than Portuguese. What a shame....

2015년 10월 3일

Yes you are right Aegis. 

1. Papua New Guinea 820 
2. Indonesia 742  
3. Nigeria 516 
4. India 427 
5. USA 311 
6. Mexico 297 

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2015년 7월 23일