Have you ever thought about leaving your home country?

Hi! I want to ask you some questions. Have you ever thought about leaving your home country? Do you think you will be able to emigrate to another country? Can you adjust to a new culture and leave your relatives and friend behind? What kind of reasons should you have to do it?
I know some people who decided to change their country just because "it feels right" or they think it is impossible to live in one place the entire life ( this kind of thing). Do they really feel satisfied? In my experience they always come back in a year or two and start looking for other ways to fulfill their life's ambitions.=)
Is it a good idea to marry a foreigner? Of course it can be very interesting and even fun at first, but I don't think it is worth all the problems that you may have later. Unemployment is a serious social problem of our time so maybe find a good job abroad is a good decision. But again how do you manage to deal with cultural and religious difficulties? Just want to know your opinion and experience! Thank you=)

2015년 7월 26일 오후 2:20
댓글 · 20

The most people don't understand you. Do you read the comments? The most people want to see the life, the world and don't stay whole life at one country. It's typical for Russians to stay their life at their country and to say "I wounld't leave my country, I'm a patriot". But you see nothing from the life, really nothing. It's amazing to communicate with people from other country and to know, that they have another opinions and life style as you. To see other culters, to see other places etc. The people, who stay their whole life at the native country, live such at the crystal ball. По принципу "моя хата с краю, ничего не знаю".

2015년 7월 26일

I have thought about it, tried it and if I could be sure I'd have a permanent job, I would try it again.


Life abroad is very difficult. You lose all your certainties, you have to adapt to a whole new life: from the way trains and garbage collection work to the foods you can''t find in your local store. You also have to adapt to cultural and administration differences. If you lose your job, you have more problems than you would in your own country. You also have to learn the language.


Another aspect that very few people think about, is the inofrmation you get about your country when you live abroad and the difficulties you have because of that when you return.


If the above sound as burdens to you, better don't leave your country. If they sound like challenges, like they do to me, you are the person who could survive abroad.

Leaving your relatives and friends behind is not that terrible, what with telephones, internet and cheap airfare. It's not like it used to be in the 50s.


As for marrying a foreigner: it is a matter of personalities. It depends on the person, you can never responsibly say yes or no until you have a case study in your hands.


2015년 7월 26일

I also live abroad, in fact I am currently living in my 8th country. I have never regretted traveling, nor do I think I'll ever go back except to have a holiday. If I get bored where I am now, there are so many other places I could still go to. 


But, to live abroad you have to be willing to leave family and friends behind, and then make new friends where you settle. It isn't easy, and it certainly isn't romantic for very long, but I still wouldn't say you have more problems in the future. 


Saying that most people go back to their home country doesn't seem correct to me, and I don't agree that marrying a foreigner leads to problems. I know a lot of couples who married a different nationality, race, or religion and they're doing just fine. 

2015년 7월 27일

and about the love for my nation, i dont think i can do something good for my nation ONLY if i live IN my nation. i certainly love india but i think i can do something for india from outside too.

2015년 7월 27일

1. Have you ever thought about leaving your home country? Do you think you will be able to emigrate to another country?

A. yes, i have lived in china for 4 years already, it was an amazing experience. at least now my mentality is that i want to absorb the entire world i am living in. i want to leave my impression and get impression of the world on me, it seems strange that i will finish my life roaming around in a small arean. i feel like i need to go out of the safe zone and feel other people, feel this world. and yes, i will be able to emigrate soon.


2.Can you adjust to a new culture and leave your relatives and friend behind? What kind of reasons should you have to do it?

A. i think i can mingle with new people. its hard to leave my friends behind, but we cant limit our options because of that. i have a reason of better life and wide experience for that.


3.Do they really feel satisfied?

A.depends on with what thinking they have gone to other countries. if they are like 'lets hang around and see how it goes', it almost always ends up in returning, one needs job and financial security before immigration.


4.Is it a good idea to marry a foreigner? 

A.this question is very very subjective. highly dependant on the particular person. in general, yes, if both are ready to compromise and sacrifice for the love they think they have.


love the discussion topic. i think if one wants to seriously settle down in another country, one must asK these questions to himself/herself before doing so.

2015년 7월 27일
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