What is your aspiration in life? :)

For someone it's love, success, family, fame etc...

My aspiration in life, be a good person and to be happy!

What about you? :)

2015년 7월 27일 오후 3:42
댓글 · 14

I suppose my aspiration is very moderate and humble: to be a happy person and to help people be happy at the same time. Perhaps I am going to be a doctor, a engineer, a teacher or whatever, but the keynote for me to aspire is to be a good person who can accommodate kaleidoscopic visions.


So humble and realistic

2015년 7월 28일

To be myself:) 

2015년 8월 7일

My aspiration is to be a happy and help others to be happy too.

2015년 7월 27일

My insiration in life is living the life that brings the benefits to people that I love. And also to practice self-development. For me the only way to complete my life with sence is to try to make our world more beautiful. 

2015년 7월 27일

Ghuffran, it's really very good aspiration:) well done, and good luck:)

2015년 7월 27일
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