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Learning Article : 6 Chinese Food Slang Phrases

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<a href='/article/501/6-chinese-food-slang-phrases' target='_blank'>6 Chinese Food Slang Phrases</a>

Food and eating are very important concepts in Chinese life. As a result, the Chinese have created many food-related terms in their language. Here are 6 phrases containing 吃 (chī/eat) that are very popular.

2015년 7월 30일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 20
Wow, this was an excellent article.  I especially love when you discuss the origins of the expressions, and I love it when you provide famous examples of their use (e.g., 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人.)  Thanks for sharing!
2017년 9월 6일
Mhgoi Shanmei! :) This was so helpful and interesting. 
2017년 9월 6일

'慢慢吃' (man man chi or eat slowly). I feel uttering this term at the end of a meal, when you have finished eating earlier than others, lets your Chinese friends/relatives know that you are no longer a ordinary '外国人' (waiguoren or foreigner) who is to be taken lightly. It tells them you're ready for Chinese culture and you mean business! :) 

By the way a very helpful article! 

2017년 1월 3일
My heart goes out to the wife in the 吃醋   story. Luv your article.
2016년 9월 4일
很有意思!Thanks for the article, Shanmei!
2016년 8월 4일
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