First notebook entry: Introducing myself I am half Croatian and Slovenian and am looking to improve my ethnic values and language of both. Where I'm from, there is a strong Croatian community and I would like to feel more a part of it, but I've been born and raised an American. I'm more than willing to help with some English too! :)
2011년 12월 28일 오전 2:21
교정 · 2

Ok, first of all...Welcome to Italki and nice to meet you.

My suggestion: Try to introduce yourself in Croatian so you can practice your writing skills and so we can correct you.  

If you want, I can help you with your Croatian. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a nice day. 

2015년 10월 10일
Bok :) Ako želiš, ja ti mogu pomoć s hrvatskim, Izvorni sam govornik i ne bi trebalo biti većih problema. Engleski znam poprilično dobro, ali malo pomoći uvijek dobro dođe, pogotovo s upravim i neupravnim govorom. Koliko dugo učih hrvatski? Znaš li osnove ili želiš da počnemo od početka? Pozdrav, Žad Hey! If you want, I will gladly help you with your Croatian. I am a native speaker, so there should be no problem. I do know English pretty well, but I can always use some help, especially with (in)direct speech. How long did you study Croatian? Do you know something, or should we start from the very beginning? Cheers, Žad
2012년 1월 6일
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