If u study russian..) U REALLY SHOULD WATCH THIS CARTOON!!!)) Our version of Winni the Pooh really differs from American. And telling the truth, I suppose it's much more cute. I'm pretty sure, u'd enjoy it. For those, who doesn't understand russian as well aurally, I've found version translated in English wish russian subtitles.
2013년 12월 8일 오후 7:20
교정 · 3

If you study Russian..)


Funny thing about the "u" abbreviation... it only is acceptable in chat and sms. Outside of those formats (eg. in an email or even a comment online), writing <em>u</em> instead of <em>you</em> looks like laughably poor English. Unfortunately, English learners aren't usually told these things...


Our version of Winnie the Pooh really differs from American. And to telling the truth, I suppose it's much more cuter. I'm pretty sure, you'd enjoy it. For those, who don't understand spoken Russian so well aurally, I've found a version translated into English with Russian subtitles.

Be careful of those commas. We use them differently (and sparingly) in English. ;)

Have you read any of the orginal British stories? The illustrations look quite different from Disney's version too.


Thanks - I ought to check it out! :)

2013년 12월 9일
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