basic words to say to children in Serbo-croatian Please correct! oprati ruke stavio kapa na dochi ovdje gdje vasha torba ili ruksak?
2014년 1월 7일 오전 8:38
교정 · 5

basic words to say to children in Serbo-croatian Please correct!


oprati ruke

staviti kapu na... 


doći ovdje 


gdje je vaša torba ili ruksak?



If you need any help, no problem.


2014년 1월 7일

basic words to say to children in Serbo-croatian Please correct!

oprati ruke

stavio kapa na

dochi ovdje

gdje vasha torba ili ruksak?


If I understand you are looking here for IMPERATIVE mode. No matter are you giving a command or you are politely asking it will still stay in an imperative mode.

 oprati ruke - Operi ruke (if there is one child) Operite ruke (if there are children) OR Molim te operi ruke. Molim vas da operete ruke.

staviti krpu na - Stavi krpu na... Stavite krpe na... Molim te/vas...

Doći ovdje - Dođi ovdje. Dođite ovdje. Molim te/vas....

Gdje je tvoja torba ili gdje ti je torba (for singular) Gdje su vam torbe ili gdje su vaše torbe (plural)


Hope this will help you a bit.


Take care

2014년 2월 9일
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