Sun Wukong VS Captain America Recently,I watched a film called《Captain America》,The leading actor quite handsome:)I`m attracted by his shield,that`s a awesome shield,hah,hope all of policemen possess of this shield to beat bad people. When the captain fly in the sky,this scene remind of Chinese fairy hero Sun Wukonng,if the captain VS Sun ,who will win?that`s funny~~
2014년 4월 16일 오전 4:07
교정 · 2
O_o ... 想象力不错
2014년 4월 16일

Sun Wukong VS Captain America


Recently I watched a film called Captain America. The lead actor is quite handsome:)I'm also attracted to his awesome shield. hah I want policemen to possess this kind of shield to beat up bad people.

The scene where the captain flies reminds me of the Chinese fairy hero, Sun Wukong. I wonder who would win if it was the captain VS Sun. That's funny~~


Cute story.



2014년 4월 16일
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