让我中文更地道 Hi, I want to go over some basic sentences that I say or think I have heard since I moved to China. 我开始了学习中文一年了,可是一段时间中我停了所以我觉得八个月了更准确。 - I started studying Chinese a year ago, but I stopped at one point so studying for 8 months is probably more accurate. 从到达了北京一来,我还没有习惯北京的空气。而且我觉得人特别多,到处很拥挤。 - Since arriving in Beijing, I still havn't gotten used to the air pollution, and also there are so many people, every where is packed! 我是个外教。我为一所幼儿园工作。我对小孩子教英文。 I am a foreign teacher. I work for a kindergarten. I teach little children English. 我必须提高我的汉语水平,我的听力很烂。当我在美国学习中文,我一直以为我的中文水平很不错,但是我有很多的问题了解平常的中国话。每个人都使用不同的发音 声音 语速 和 说法。 I must improve my Chinese. My listening skill is extremely poor. When I was in America studying Chinese, I always thought that my Chinese wasn't bad, but I have a ton of problems trying to understand normal chinese speech. Everyone uses different tones, sounds, speaking speed, and methods of speaking. 虽然我没有问题聊天,但是我的词汇很少。我不能继续明白更具体的话题。 Even though I don't have any problems with chatting, my vocabulary is very small. I cannot follow a more specific topic. I also want to know how to translate something like this "First the parents come and give their names to a teacher, then the teacher goes and fetches the child and brings them back" I can't even attempt it ! Thanks in advance.
2014년 9월 20일 오전 3:42
교정 · 12

 "First the parents come and give their names to a teacher, then the teacher goes and fetches the child and brings them back"  家长首先把他们的名字告诉给老师,然后老师把他们的孩子带过来

I can't even attempt it !

Thanks in advance.


I have a question about living in China? What kind of things are most difficult to get use to? You mentioned the number of people. What about conviences, such as, showers, living space, laundry, etc

2014년 9월 20일


Hi, I want to go over some basic sentences that I say or think I have heard since I moved to China.

开始了学习中文一年了,可是我中间停了一段时间中我停了所以我觉得学了八个月更准确。 - I started studying Chinese a year ago, but I stopped at one point so studying for 8 months is probably more accurate.

从到达了北京一来 来到北京有一段时间了(可是)我还没有习惯北京的空气。而且我觉得人特别多,到处很拥挤。 - Since arriving in Beijing, I still havn't gotten used to the air pollution, and also there are so many people, every where is packed!

我是个外教。我一所幼儿园工作。我小孩子英文。 I am a foreign teacher. I work for a kindergarten. I teach little children English.

I must improve my Chinese. My listening skill is extremely poor. When I was in America studying Chinese, I always thought that my Chinese wasn't bad, but I have a ton of problems trying to understand normal chinese speech. Everyone uses different tones, sounds, speaking speed, and methods of speaking.

虽然我聊天没有问题聊天,但是我的词汇很少。我不能继续明白更具体,更深入的话题。 Even though I don't have any problems with chatting, my vocabulary is very small. I cannot follow a more specific topic.

I also want to know how to translate something like this "First the parents come and give their names to a teacher, then the teacher goes and fetches the child and brings them back"  我也想知道应该怎样翻译这句话: “首先,家长们把他们的名字告诉老师,然后,老师带着孩子过来,让家长接回去”。
I can't even attempt it !
Thanks in advance.

2014년 9월 21일


Hi, I want to go over some basic sentences that I say or think I have heard since I moved to China.

我已经学了一年的中文了,我中断了八个月,发现中文更准确了。 - I started studying Chinese a year ago, but I stopped at one point so studying for 8 months is probably more accurate.

从到达了北京一来,我还没有习惯北京的空气。而且我觉得人特别多,到处很拥挤。 - Since arriving in Beijing, I still havn't gotten used to the air pollution, and also there are so many people, every where is packed!

我是个外教。我为一所幼儿园工作。教英文。 I am a foreign teacher. I work for a kindergarten. I teach little children English.

我必须提高我的汉语水平,我的听力很烂。当我在美国学习中文,我一直以为我的中文水平很不错,对于学习标准的普通话我有很多的问题。每个人都使用不同的发音 声音 语速 和 说法。
I must improve my Chinese. My listening skill is extremely poor. When I was in America studying Chinese, I always thought that my Chinese wasn't bad, but I have a ton of problems trying to understand normal chinese speech. Everyone uses different tones, sounds, speaking speed, and methods of speaking.

虽然我聊天没有问题,但是我的词汇很少。我不能继续明白更具体的话题。 Even though I don't have any problems with chatting, my vocabulary is very small. I cannot follow a more specific topic.

I also want to know how to translate something like this "First the parents come and give their names to a teacher, then the teacher goes and fetches the child and brings them back"
I can't even attempt it !

Thanks in advance.

2014년 9월 27일
Skype: sallyziscosteel
2014년 9월 25일
i adivce you can talk with more and more people,and find some language panters.then u can improve faster.
2014년 9월 21일
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